Updated 12:45 – 08/27/2021
Last Minute Lodging: AUGUST 2021 – Weekends & Midweek Stays
What to do in Door County, WI in August…
- #MaskUp and #ShopLocal at markets, shops and galleries, and weekly Farmer’s Markets.
- #SocialDistance outdoors in our beautiful natural spaces & parks and let your inner Shutterbug out – share your pics with us @DoorCounty411 on Instagram!
- #Relax in your rental and enjoy tasty #TakeOut Meals!
- Find Door County Lodging Specials to enhance your visit with meals, gift certificates, wine & beer, baskets full of goodies, trolley tours, sleigh rides, & more!
- Get the DC411 @DoorCounty on Twitter.

Upcoming EVENTS
- Aug. 21 Sidewalk Sale Egg Harbor
- Aug. 21, 2021 Sturgeon Bay Under the Stars Night Market
- Aug. 28 Blues on the Bay Ellison Bay
- Enjoy outdoor entertainment at Live Music at Concerts in the Park and other venues!
Event Notice: It’s a good idea to check event websites and call ahead for details as some events have been modified or altered due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Last Minute Lodging: AUGUST 2021 – WEEKENDS
Follow Door County Lodging on Facebook for more #lastminutelodging options!
Look for *Dog-Friendly or *Pet-Friendly options listed in RED.
Last Minute Lodging: AUGUST 2021 – MIDWEEK
Follow Door County Lodging on Facebook for more #lastminutelodging options!
Week of August 29 – September 2 (and into Labor Day Weekend)
- AppleCreek Resort (Fish Creek) Rooms are open for 1 or more nights on Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2) thru Labor Day Weekend; CALL (920) 868-3525 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.applecreekresort.com/
- Birchwood Lodge (Sister Bay) Rooms are open for 2 or more nights on Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), AND Premier Suites are open for 3 nights starting Wednesday (9/1) or Thursday (9/2) thru Labor Day Weekend; CALL (920) 854-7195 or BOOK ONLINE https://birchwoodlodge.com/
- J R Vacation Rentals (Door County) Rentals are open for 2 or more nights this week (and into Labor Day Weekend) – view JR Summer GetAway blog: https://www.doorcountylodging.com/2021/06/last-minute-summer-2021-getaways-with-j-r-vacation-rentals/; CALL (888) 481-1935 or VIEW ONLINE https://www.jrvacationrentals.com/
- The Shoreline Resort (Gills Rock) Motel Rooms are open for 2 or more nights and Condos are open for 3 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), or Wednesday (9/1), AND Motel Rooms are open for 3 or more nights starting Thursday (9/2) thru Labor Day Weekend; CALL (920) 854-2900 or BOOK ONLINE https://theshorelineresort.com/
- White Lace Inn (Sturgeon Bay) B&B Rooms are open for 2 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), AND their Steeple View Cottage is open for 3 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29) thru Thursday (9/2), AND B&B rooms are open for 2 or 3 nights starting Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), or Wednesday (9/1) for Labor Day Weekend; CALL (920) 743-1105 or BOOK ONLINE https://whitelaceinn.com/
- The Ashbrooke (Egg Harbor) Rooms are open for 1 night on Sunday (8/29), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/1); CALL (920) 868-3113 or BOOK ONLINE https://ashbrooke.net/
- Bay Shore Inn (Sturgeon Bay) Suites are open for 2 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), or Wednesday (9/1); CALL (800) 556-4551 or BOOK ONLINE https://bayshoreinn.net/
- Beachfront Inn (Baileys Harbor) Rooms are open for 1 or more nights on Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2), AND a Cottage is open for 3 nights starting Tuesday (9/1); CALL (920) 839-2345 or BOOK ONLINE https://beachfrontinn.net/
- Coachlite Inn (Sister Bay) Rooms are open for 1 or more nights on Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2); CALL (920) 854-5503 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.coachliteinn.com/
- Country House Resort (Sister Bay) Rooms are open for 2 or more nights starting Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31) or Wednesday (9/1); CALL (920) 854-4551 or BOOK ONLINE https://countryhouseresort.com/
- Door County Lighthouse Vacation Rentals (Egg Harbor) Horseshoe Bay Club Cottages and our Bluffwood House are open for 3 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), or Tuesday (8/31); CALL (866) 868-9088 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.dclighthouserentals.com/
- Ephraim Shores Resort (Ephraim) Rooms are open for 1 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29),n Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2, AND for 2 nights on Thursday & Friday (9/2 & 9/3); CALL (920) 854-2371 or BOOK ONLINE https://ephraimshores.com/
- Eagle Harbor Inn (Ephraim) B&B Rooms and Whirlpool Suites are open for 1 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2); CALL (920) 854-2121 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.eagleharborinn.com/
- Glidden Lodge (Sturgeon Bay) Suites are open for 2 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1); CALL (866) 454-3336 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.gliddenlodge.com/
- Hillside Inn (Ephraim) A Family Friendly Cottage is open for 2 or more nights Sunday (8/29) thru Saturday (9/4); CALL (920) 854-7666 or BOOK ONLINE https://hillsideofdoorcounty.com/
- Homestead Suites (Fish Creek) Rooms are open for 1 or more nights on Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1) or Thursday (9/2); CALL (920) 868-3748 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.homesteadsuites.com/
- Inn at Little Sister Hill (Sister Bay) Rooms are open for 2 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), or Tuesday (8/31), AND for 2 or 3 nights starting Wednesday (9/1); CALL (920) 854-2328 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.doorcountyinn.com/
- Newport Resort (Egg Harbor) Suites are open for 1 or more nights starting Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2); CALL (920) 868-9900 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.newportresort.com/
- Nordic Lodge (Sister Bay) Rooms are open for 1 or more nights on Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2); CALL (920) 854-5432 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.thenordiclodge.com/
- Open Hearth Lodge (Sister Bay) Rooms are open for 1 or more nights on Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2); including some *Dog-Friendly rooms; CALL (920) 854-4890 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.openhearthlodgedoorcounty.com/
- Parkwood Lodge (Fish Creek) Rooms are open for 2 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), or Wednesday (9/1); CALL (920) 868-2046 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.parkwoodlodge.com/
- Pine Grove Resort (Ephraim) Rooms are open for 2 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2); CALL (920) 854-2321 or BOOK ONLINE https://pinegrovedoorcounty.com/
- Ridges Inn & Suites (Baileys Harbor) Rooms are open for 1 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), or Wednesday (9/1), or Thursday (9/2), including some *Dog-Friendly options; AND a room is open for 2 nights on Thursday & Friday (9/2 & 9/3); CALL (920) 839-2127 or BOOK ONLINE http://www.ridgesinn.com/
- Scandinavian Lodge (Sister Bay) Suites are open for 2 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), or Tuesday (8/31); CALL (920) 854-4890 or BOOK ONLINE http://scandlodge.com
- Settlement Inn (Fish Creek) Rooms are open for 2 or more nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31), or Wednesday (9/1); CALL (920) 868-3524 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.settlementinn.com/
- The Shallows Resort (Egg Harbor) Rooms are open for 3 nights starting Monday (8/30), AND our Bluffside House is open for 4 nights Saturday (8/28) thru Wednesday (9/1); CALL (920) 868-3458 or BOOK ONLINE https://shallows.com/
- Village View Inn (Sister Bay) Rooms are open Sunday (8/22) thru Thursday (8/26) – call for more information; CALL (920) 854-2813 or BOOK ONLINE https://village-view.com/
- Westwood Shores Resort (Sturgeon Bay) Rooms are open for 2 or 3 nights starting Sunday (8/29), Monday (8/30), Tuesday (8/31) or Wednesday (9/1); AND a 1-Bedroom Suite is open for 1 night starting Thursday (9/2); CALL (920) 746-4057 or BOOK ONLINE https://www.westwoodshores.net/
Find more Labor Day Weekend Lodging Here: https://www.doorcountylodging.com/2021/08/last-minute-lodging-in-door-county-wi-sept-3-6-2021-labor-day-weekend/

Try our FREE Email Concierge Service to inquire about your specific dates and lodging needs!
NEED A ROOM FOR TONIGHT OR TOMORROW? Call Door County Lodging’s toll-free number: 1-844-DCINFO1 or 1-844-324-6361